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Information is Power

Our Purpose

The Alliance Coalition’s goal is to build a powerful, well-informed, well-organized movement. One that crafts and advances rational, strategic and effective ideas in the public sphere, and in so doing ensures our state and its residents enduring success.

Alignment + Representation

Democracy Depends on Citizens believing in the greater good. Government is meant to protect, represent and empower all citizens equally.


We identify ourselves in multiple ways, generation, occupation, race, religion...But we are not only those things, we are complex individuals. Governmental policies should reflect that.

Our Priorities


While women make up 52% of South Carolina's population, they hold only 15% of seats in the state legislature. The state's Supreme Court includes just one woman, and all members of the court are white, despite the fact that Black and Hispanic individuals represent 30% of the state's population. This lack of diversity highlights a significant gap in representation.

Citizen Referendums

South Carolina does not allow citizens (through signature) to bring an issue to the ballot.  

Non Partisan Re-Districting Committee

The gerrymandered districts do not allow all votes to matter. Our system currently allows politicians to choose their own voters.


There are multiple ways that SC is lagging behind in ensuring the highest voter turnout. Automatic voter registration (at the DMV). Language used on our voting machines when you are in the voting booth.  Absentee ballots can only be “no excuse” if you are over 65.  

Womens Liberty

Body Liberty for all is critical to ensure a thriving society.  Moral objections to Womens healthcare are dangerous.  100% of all pregnancies are caused by men.  Families deserve the right to determine their own family structure and size.  

Education + School System

Our public school system is on the cusp of being defunded through a deceptive “voucher” program. Public education is necessary for a thriving democracy and a vibrant economy.  Education is not a business, it is a moral obligation to our future.


Access to resources for all.  Dependable + Accessible Public Transportation.  High Speed Internet.  Roads + Hardscape Maintenance.  Access to capital through Small Business Development Programs.

Housing + Neighborhoods

Community talent retention.  Quality of Life investments.  Wealth generating capacity investments in low income neighborhoods. 

Agreement is having identical opinions. Alignment is having shared values. Agreement is taking the same path. Alignment is heading in the same direction. Closeness is a matter of commitment, not consensus.

- Adam Grant





South Carolina is not currently a democracy,

our population is not equally represented.

The State Legislature is the engine that drives policy with a direct impact to every South Carolinian.

By The Numbers - election results from 1992 - 2022

SC State House

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SC State Senate

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Our Impact + Strategy

Building a robust network of thought leaders, advocates and data analysis  throughout the state, TAC aims to engage voters to be well informed and active participants in the issues that drive our state legislation and legislators.This will result in a state government that actually represents the people it serves. 


TAC’s strategy exposes the extreme ways in which our legislature, judicial structure and leadership positions have been manipulated to a one party ruled state. 

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